

Creation and the Cosmic System... Al-Ghazâlî & Avicenna

  RICHARD M. FRANK Creation and the Cosmic System: Al-Ghazâlî & Avicenna Vorgelegt am 27. April 1991 HEIDELBERG 1992 CARL WINTER • UNIVERSITÀTSVERLAG Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Frank, Richard M.: For Abuna Anawati Table of Contents 1.       Introduction     9 2.       The Rejection of Traditional Analysis and the Move towards Avicenna ....   12 3.       The Ordering of Causes and Events within the World      22 3.1.1.        Sublunary Causes and the Fulfilment of Conditions     22 3.1.2.        Ambivalences of Expression     31 3.2.           Celestial Causes and the Universal System      38 4.       God’s “Determination” of What Must Be      47 4.1.         Wisdom, Judgement, and Command: the Need to Divide and Distinguish     47 4.2.         Possible Beings and the Possible World     52 4.3.         The Necessity of the Universe that God Wills     63 4.4.         God’s Knowledge, Will, and Power: A Dialogue with A